Our Hilltop Hallmarks are what makes Hilltop Academy special! Everything we do is planned and implemented in consideration of how it attends to the spirit, mind, and body and is done through the inter- and intra- personal connections we help students make. Using a growth mindset, we meet students where they are at, using play and fun as natural ways to engage their hearts and minds, making learning experiences come alive. 


Interdisciplinary Programming & Experiential Learning

Nature Is Our Classroom & Sustainability

Individualized Learning Plans & Growth Mindset

Authentic Assessments, & Capstones

Holistic Approach: Nurturing Spirit, Mind, & Body

Making Connections & Building Relationships: Family & Community Engagement

Apprenticeship & Internships

Fun & Play

Hilltop Heroes

Our Hilltop Hallmarks Explained


It's an approach that...

• offers more true to life and real world application

• analyzes, synthesizes, and brings links between disciplines into a coordinated and logical whole

• makes connections between different subjects of study

Why does it matter? 

Our learners benefit as it more closely mirrors what they will experience in their work life. The tasks students will be responsible for in their careers is not linear; knowledge and skills across multiple disciplines will be required. What students are required to demonstrate through a interdisciplinary approach will be transferrable and relevant no matter what their path is post graduation.

What does this look like? 

This practice in action means a theme is studied and looked at through multiple lenses. For example, the theme may be climate change with a scientific study of the causes and effects, a mathematical study on relevant percentages or statistical calculations, a health study on human impact, and a persuasive writing piece on the need for policy change. Throughout the experience, students collaborate to conduct research, analyze and synthesize information, and present their findings and solutions. As a result, students' level of understanding is deeper and broader, and at the same time they are practicing skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, team work, research, communication, and more.  

In order to implement an approach like this, there needs to be ongoing dedicated time for our educators to collaborate to effectively develop interdisciplinary curricula and do thematic unit planning.  We prioritize uninterrupted common planning time for teachers on a weekly basis.  

What is experiential learning?

Experiential learning requires learners to be actively involved in learning processes and outcomes through hands-on experiences. When activities get students' hands, hearts, and minds in the thick of it, learning comes alive, igniting curiosity and imagination. This naturally leads to higher student engagement, increasing students' ability to make connections, retain information, transfer knowledge and skills, and apply it in meaningful ways.

Experiential learning is fun AND has students thinking and working at high cognitive levels, exercising critical thinking skills by formulating solutions, analyzing results, and being self-reflective.

Why does experiential learning matter?

Keeping students engaged in their learning is a challenge in schools, especially as students get older. The degree to which we engage them has the propensity to shape lives and ultimately communities. When students are bored, they become disengaged. When students become disengaged, the risk for learning loss increases. Both become risk factors for underachievement, poor attendance, and dropping out. What does dropping out lead to? We all know the answer to that. Yes, there are those who will remain in school being passively compliant, checking the boxes until they graduate, but is that what we really want? Is this what inspires students to perform at their highest potential? Is this the best way to prepare them for life after graduation? Absolutely not! Experiential learning affords students the opportunity to be creative, have a voice, make contributions, explore what matters to them and be a valued member of a team, all while actively learning at high impact levels.

What does experiential learning look like at Hilltop Academy?

  • Internships and apprenticeships

  • Volunteering

  • Play-, project- , inquiry- , theme- , adventure-based learning

  • Experiments

  • Field trips

  • Performances

  • Demonstrations

  • Presentations

  • Debates

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Play

  • Exploration

  • Designing, creating, constructing

  • Mentoring

  • Gardening

  • Cooking

  • Project leadership and management


We get students out in nature as often as we possibly can, prioritizing it for learning. It is there that our students explore and connect with their natural environment; study sciences; experience outdoor adventure, recreation, and physical activity; engage in healthy habits and life skills, community service, and team building; learn about, develop, and implement sustainable earth-friendly practices; participate in field trips; and just experience inspiration, play, fun, and joy from being outdoors. Students are immersed in nature found on our campus and in our surrounding communities. 

Why does nature as our classroom matter?

Over the past several years, outdoor experiences in schools have diminished significantly. Through emerging research we are learning that our children are experiencing “nature deficit”, which correlates with higher levels of anxiety, stress, depression, and attention deficit disorders, impacting young people physically, mentally, and spiritually. With more and more research supporting the health benefits of engaging in nature, we aim to make it happen!

What does this look like at Hilltop Academy?

  • Sciences: Earth, Environmental, Biology, Animal, Plant/Soil, Marine Biology, Floral Design, Landscape Design

  • Garden to Table

  • Greenhouses for gardening year round

  • Companion and small animal rehabilitation & rescue

  • Local farm partnerships

  • Nature trails

  • Mindfulness & meditation

  • Art, music, writing inspiration

  • Outdoor & adventure-based learning

  • Hiking & nature walks

  • Envirothon Club

  • Green initiatives, programs, and practices–composting, water conservation, etc.

  • Structured & unstructured play

What is sustainability? 

Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. Sustainability is not a "they" thing, it's a "we" thing at Hilltop Academy. We are all playing a role in the well-being of our planet, positive change begins with each one of us!

Why does sustainability matter? 

We strongly believe that it is our responsibility to empower our learners and school community so that we are a part of the solution. The health and well-being of our planet is depending on us. 

What does this look like at Hilltop Acadmey?

We Educate

  • Integrate environmental sciences into curricula

  • Offer Environmental Science courses

  • Engage in Project Based Learning (PBL) relevant to sustainability

  • Support student driven advocacy campaigns

  • Study & analyze local habitats

  • Monitor and observe natural environment: plant, tree, shrub diversity and health

  • Explore, research, and develop action plans for solutions as an opportunity for Capstone Entrepreneurial Project

  • Run Enviro-thon Club

  • Operate an Environment Department as part of the Hilltop Life Organization

We Walk the Talk

  • Maintain reduce and reuse practices

  • Implement Recycling & UpCycycling programs & practices

  • Integrate solar energy, rain catchment, and carbon reduction efforts into our strategic plan for infrastructure

  • Minimize and discourage single plastic use

  • Compost

  • Support biodiversity on our campus

  • Build, maintain, and protect biodiverse gardens, greenhouses, and spaces

  • Bring awareness to food waste and consciously work to reduce it

  • Participate in Garden to Table program

We Do Community Service:

  • Participate in "re-greening" efforts

  • Perform community cleanups

  • Support local community efforts through participation and advocacy

  • Facilitate campus recycling and up-cycling

  • Assist in maintenance of campus and local community gardens and green spaces

  • Host public events to raise awareness and support green causes


This a learning plan designed to meet students where they are at according to progress they are making toward reaching learning standards. Students who need more support or time to master a skill or concept are given that support and time. Students who have demonstrated mastery and are ready to move on are given what they need to do so successfully.  Students' progress in one content area does not dictate placement or leveling in another content area- again students are given just what they need according to where they are.  Additionally, we integrate student voice, helping us better understand interests, passion, and aptitudes. 

Why does it matter?

Meeting students in this way helps them see and feel that they are equally valued, honored, prepared, and supported. This positively impacts student engagement, mental health, and academic achievement. All are important ingredients for happiness and success and for healthy, productive, and thriving communities.  

What does this look like?

We develop a profile for each of our unique learners, which encompasses their learning needs, interests, passions, talents, curiosities, and voice. This profile grows and changes shape as our student do. We continuously progress monitor and use a variety of ongoing assessments, including those in the form of authentic applications, adjusting instructional practices and learning programming as necessary. Every student graduates with the requisites they need to be successful in their pursuits.

We also seek students' voice and choice throughout their school experience. It is foundational to what we do and is a commitment we proudly adhere to as we state in our vision and mission. Through this best practice, students more readily take responsibility for their own learning, are more deeply motivated and engaged, thereby making learning happen naturally and with greater ease.  Students' voice and choice in their path of studies, helps eliminate unnecessary content and delve more deeply into what matters to the pathway they are aiming to follow.

Beginning at the elementary level, programming includes career, college, and service exploration to help students align their passions and interests with potential careers and post-secondary options. At the secondary level, students participate in experiences aimed at better equipping them for their goals and life after graduation. Our connections and partnerships with colleges, trade schools, organizations, and businesses open opportunities for mentoring, work experiences, internships or apprenticeships, early college coursework, and community service, further individualizing their learning plan.

Our belief in a growth mindset transcends traditional academic pacing. At Hilltop Academy our "leveling" is in alignment with an “until” and “not yet” approach, allowing for acceleration or deceleration in content areas- based on readiness or need in that particular content area rather than by age.  As a result, the school operates within “grade spans” allowing fluid movement where student mastery of content, knowledge, and skills, drives students' individualized learning plans. Students are not held back when they have already demonstrated content and skill mastery, nor are they left behind if they have not yet mastered a concept or skill.  

Why does it matter? 

Grades are often seen or used as rewards instead of a means for understanding each learner's unique needs and progress toward their individual learning goals. Our approach is intentionally designed to eliminate inferiority or superiority, which impacts self-confidence and self-worth. Our aim is to build-up our learners! 

What does it look like at Hilltop Academy?

  • Individualized learning plans for all learners 

  • Recognizing and honoring the variety of intelligences with which our learners come 

  • Flexible grouping 

  • Schedules that adapt to the student rather than the student to the schedule 

  • Variety of assessment to measure students' progress 

  • Student acceleration or deceleration according to what they need in the area they need it 

  • Involve students in goal-setting and reflective practices such as self-monitoring, evaluation and assessment 

  • Use grading as a tool that measures progress toward learning goals


At Hilltop Academy, we continuously monitor and evaluate students' progress toward mastering learning targets through a variety of assessments, including more natural and practical means. Our assessments are multifaceted, mirroring our approach to teaching and learning.

Why does it matter?

The way that students learn best comes in a multitude of ways as does the way they are able to demonstrate what they know and are able to do. When students do not fit the one size fits all mold, they are labeled and confined accordingly, limiting their beliefs of what their true potential is. At a time when self-confidence is already fragile, it is important that we implement practices that strengthen it.  

What does it look like?

The following is a sampling of our means of assessment:

  • Writing pieces

  • Presentations

  • Research Projects

  • Demonstrations

  • Portfolios

  • Student led parent/caregiver-teacher conferences

  • Teacher observations

  • Annual Capstone: Entrepreneurship

  • Student self-reflection, -evaluations, -assessments

Hilltop Academy's Capstone: Entrepreneurship

Hilltop Academy's Capstone is focused on creating a service or product that will solve a real world challenge and/or be a benefit to our local or global community. This is a project that engages students in teams, working toward common goals just as they will be required in a work setting. In so doing, students get to practice skills such as communication, collaboration, cooperation, creativity, project managing, and problem-solving. Through the experience, students exercise foundational skills like writing, reading, researching, public speaking, editing and revising, budgeting, and much, much more.  The project has a particular skill of focus that is developmentally appropriate for students at each level and continues to expand and build on the skill learned and demonstrated in the previous year. 

The project begins with exploration of interests and passions, leading to research that supports an argument for a cause, then the development of a creative, feasible solution, culminating in the presentation of the entire piece of work through its implementation.  The Capstone provides students with an authentic entrepreneurial experience, where they will test markets, run focus groups, market their product or service,  and launch their business.  All Capstone projects are shared at the end of the year Capstone Fair.

Do student have to take standardized external assessments like they do in more traditional schools?

There is a far greater benefit in students demonstrating their mastery by transferring and applying knowledge and skills learned, exercising creativity, and practicing competencies through projects, writing pieces, presentations, and demonstrations. These forms of assessment provide a truer picture of students' growth, rather than reflecting a single moment in time.  High stakes standardized tests often leave everyone- parents, teachers, students, administrators crossing fingers, hoping the stars align on that given test day for a good night's sleep, feeling healthy, not being too stressed out, and having a good day.  

The time we have with our students is precious; we value it!! We are committed to spending it in the most meaningful and memorable ways possible. The amount of time many schools spend on test preparation and rehearsal often adds up to weeks, which is time lost for learning activities and school experiences- year after year.  We are grateful that we get to choose differently!

What about SATs and similar standardized tests for college admission?

Our students will be provided the education and support they need to be prepared and successfully complete them. It is worth noting that many colleges and universities have begun rethinking their admissions requisites of these types of assessments in recognition of the limited picture they provide of student applicants.


Why does it matter?

The spirit, mind, and body are all interconnected; balance among them is critical for maintaining good health and wellness. Learning becomes easier and more natural when balance exists. 

What does this look like? 

All learning and experiences at Hilltop Academy are aimed at and connect to nurturing the whole child– their spirit, mind and body.

Nurturing the Spirit at Hilltop Academy

The spirit of every person lies in connectedness– to self, others, nature, and our community. At Hilltop Academy we nurture our Hilltop Heroes’ spirit by connecting them with their “self” and others through the experiential learning opportunities built into our programming. This includes adventure-based learning, outdoor and indoor recreation, yoga and meditation, wellness and physical education, collaborative project-based learning, and team sports and clubs. We connect our students with nature, using it as our classroom as often and to the extent possible. Our learners are connected with their community through service, volunteerism, mentorships, apprenticeships, partnerships, and relationships built with community organizations, agencies, institutions, and businesses. Programming imparts and grows knowledge, skills, and compassion critical to healthy spiritual development that has immediate and long-term practical application.

Nurturing the Mind at Hilltop Academy

Exercising the mind is done through academic course work, and also through health and wellness programming, where social and emotional wellness and life skills are explored. We guide students with knowledge and tools that will help them manage and navigate things like stress, feelings, behaviors, friendships and relationships in healthy ways. Doing so builds capacity for an open mind that is ready for the demands of academic learning, helping grow students’ cognitive and emotional intellect. While students exercise their brains, putting into practice new content and skills learned, they build self-reliance, which fosters a passion, interest, and desire to be lifelong learners. In addition to health and wellness classes, our school counselors teach whole group and small group lessons; instruction in the classroom includes examining relevant literary pieces; adventure-based learning is used to apply problem-solving, decision-making, cooperation, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills; and from time to time guest speakers are invited to present.

Nurturing the Body at Hilltop Academy

A healthy body is integral to learning, growing, and functioning. Learners are not only taught how to care for their bodies, but are also provided the opportunities to engage in routine healthy practices such as movement, exercise, being outside, yoga, food preparation, food choices, stillness, meditation, relaxation, and play. The intention is to teach life-long skills that support well-being, longevity, and resilience. 


Why does it matter?

One fantastic research study that supports just how important relationships are for young people is "Fostering Resilience in Children" by Bonnie Bernard. While her research was done a while back, it still remains relevant and current. What does the study reveal? In a nutshell, that a young person who has a meaningful relationship within either their family, community, or school is significantly more likely to develop resilience in spite of risk factors that would otherwise negatively affect them. What is resilience? It's the ability to bounce back and not be set back. Outside of her research, we know that students who have connections within their school have much greater levels of engagement, higher academic performance, and increased attendance and graduation rates.  

What does this look like?

We ensure our students feel connected within our school community through a multitude of structured and unstructured opportunities. Here is a small sampling: 

  • Free play & structured play

  • Project-based learning

  • Outdoor adventure 

  • Advisory


  • Mentoring 

  • Clubs & Athletics 

  • Team building 


  • Family-style meal time

  • Community meetings 

Our Families Matter!

In addition to Bonnie Benard's research mentioned above, there are numerous other studies supporting the important role families play in the success of their child.  At Hilltop Academy, family involvement and participation are warmly embraced, promoted, and expected.

To achieve our goal, we offer a multitude of opportunities for family involvement: 

  • Volunteering: teacher assistant, reading buddy, guest speaker, tutoring, chaperoning, dining common assistant, and mentoring

  • Attending school events: student-led parent/caregiver-teacher conferences, show and tell, Capstone Project Fair, Open House, school celebrations, grade level traditions, and talent showcases

  • Joining school sponsored community service: walks, cleanups, re-greening

  • Participating in Coffee & Conversation/Tea & Talk meetings with the leadership team

  • Joining one of our committees: School Advisory, School Climate, Fundraising

We ensure frequent, regular communication through a variety of methods, offering translation and interpretation services to meet our families' needs and strengthen our relationships. We actively seek out our parents'/caregivers' voice through various committees, surveys, and open forums. Workshops, informational sessions, guest speaker series, and training are provided for families feeling like they need support of their own to assist with their child's growth and progress. We are always excited for our families to share the wonderful talents, skills, and experience they have. It is through our partnership with families that we bolster our students and increase our capacity to make connections and broaden opportunities for our students.

Our Local Community Matters!

Hilltop Academy's goal is to partner with colleges/universities/educational institutions, organizations, businesses, and agencies who share common threads seen in our vision and mission. Our intention is to serve an academic function for our learners and also serve as a hub of activity and resource for our surrounding communities. Through this we create pathways to mutually beneficial partnerships between our school, students, and community at large- for service, apprenticeships, mentorship, and programming. 

Through these partnerships and connections, young people will be given the opportunity for earlier, relevant training and experiences, potentially reducing cost for post-secondary education and/or training. In the same way, businesses, agencies, and organizations will have the potential to onboard skilled young people who are ready to fill growing vacancies in the workforce. Partnerships with colleges will offer similar benefits, where the college's reach for potential student enrollment is broadened, and our school can provide them with expanded opportunities for their students' practicums or internships. Our vision is to make Hilltop Academy an accessible learning lab for those seeking relevant training in school-related fields, such as school nursing, teaching, early childhood education, outdoor recreation, and more.


Why does it matter?

Working professionals are keenly aware that hands-on experiences are where and when real learning preparation happens. Many of our young people have an immediate interest, desire, and readiness to pursue and start their intended career, trade, and/or their own business. For this reason, Hilltop Academy offers opportunities for students to participate in apprenticeships, internships, and practicums, providing them with the skills, knowledge, and experience that will best prepare them for whenever they are ready to launch whatever pathway they decide.

What does this look like?

We make connections and build various partnerships with businesses, companies, organizations, and agencies for their internships and apprenticeships. Our future plans include will build our own student-led and run programs, businesses, and organizations, such as a student Cafe, Farm Stand, Greenhouse, Small Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation Center, Child Development Center, TV/Media Studio, and  Indoor/Outdoor Recreation Program (weekend/summer camps), offering students real world and work opportunities to further expand their knowledge, skills, and experiences.


Why does play matter?

Play is how nature intended for young ones to learn. If you observe any young animals, you will see them engaged in play and playing hard! You won't see their momma intervening and trying to get them to stop because intuitively she knows that play is critical to her young's ability to thrive and grow. Play, just like proper nutrition, rest, and exercise, are natural means to healthy development. On top of all of that, play is fun, which inspires creativity. It offers the mind a reset and makes learning more exciting, and a lot more engaging! 

What are the benefits of play?

  • Supports executive functioning: planning, self-control, self-monitoring, time management, organization, regulating emotions

  • Promotes learning

  • Improves memory

  • Stimulates brain growth

  • Encourages problem-solving skills

  • Ignites curiosity and exploration

  • Inspires creativity

  • Reveals cause and effect- how things work together

  • Fosters social connectedness

  • Develops independence and autonomy

  • Builds self

  • Allows for healthy risk-taking

  • Provides a space and place for transfer and application of knowledge and skills:

  • Negotiation

  • Compromise

  • Communication

  • Kindness

  • Care & compassion

  • Elicits joy!

  • Increases engagement and concentration

  • Counters effects of stress and trauma on the brain

What does play look like at Hilltop Academy?

  • We use the outdoors often and to the extent possible

  • We are intentional in planning time for play each day

  • Play may come in forms of the following: 

    • Free and unstructured play

    • Structured & guided play

    • Outdoor and adventure-based learning

    • Center-based activities

    • Learning games and activities woven into lessons

    • Team building

    • Open-ended toys

    • Outdoor theater

  • Various clubs and athletics offered


Hilltop Academy heroes come in many shapes and sizes, from our faculty and staff who show up every day giving everything they've got, to our program partners who broaden our students' horizons. Our donors whose generosity is changing lives and helping our school programming grow are our heroes too. Each and every one contributes positively to our school community and for that we are grateful and are filled with appreciation!!

There is one other group we call heroes, who are integral to our school community, and they are our students.

What makes our students "Hilltop Heroes"?

We believe that within every one of our students is infinite potential waiting to unfold. Young people need to hear it over and over again: they are heroes! Each of them comes with the capacity to have a powerful impact in the world. Their inner hero is the driver of their success on their journey to making a difference in our school, community, and beyond.  We are counting on their positive contributions through their given pathways, acts of service, and creativity to inspire solutions for the global challenges our world faces. Our mission is to help each of our learners unearth the hero within!

What qualities do our Hilltop Heroes emulate?

  • Demonstrated responsibility for their own learning

  • Take healthy risks

  • Know that effort and belief determine success

  • Believe that they are the ones who determine how the rest of their lives will turn out

  • Lead by example

  • Are service-oriented

  • Positively contribute to the Hilltop Academy, local, and global communities

  • Embody Hilltop Academy values and beliefs

  • Celebrate and appreciate the diversity of our school community

Nondiscriminatory Policy

It is our mission to guard and protect the diversity of our Hilltop Community- those we serve and lead and those who lead and serve.

Hilltop Academy Inc. admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial assistance programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. The officers, committee members, employees, and persons served by this corporation shall be selected entirely on a non-discriminatory basis with respect to age, sex, race, religion, national origin, and sexual orientation. It is the policy of Hilltop Academy Inc. not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, ancestry, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical disability, veteran status, political service or affiliation, color, religion, or national origin.

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Hilltop History

Vision, Mission & Values

Board of Trustees





Contact Us

Administrative Offices:

P.O. Box 24, West Suffield, CT 06093

Our Mission

Forging a powerful, innovative, and transformative model of education that emboldens and prepares students for life, college, service, trade, and/or career through natural and holistic, simplistic yet rigorous, relevant and engaging learning practices and through the strong ties we build with our families and communities.

Our Vision

Opening opportunities and access for students, families, educators, and communities to experience our model of education which honors the hero in every child on their chosen pathway to a life of purpose.

Hilltop Academy Inc. is a nonprofit, 501(C)3 organization. All proceeds and donations support our tuition assistance and school programming.

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